Neutral & Matte Eyeshadows
Venus (soft, off-white demi-matte),
Foxy (very light yellow/beige matte),
Walk of Shame (very light pinky nude matte),
Naked 2 (rosy taupe matte),
Faint (warm, dusty brown matte),
Crave (deepest, darkest brown/black matte).
Ombretti neutri e matte.
Urban Decay Naked Basics Eyeshadow Palette contiene 6 full size eyeshadows.
Venus (bianco panna mat),
Foxy (beige giallo mat),
Walk of Shame (rosato nude mat),
Naked 2 (rosa taupe matte),
Faint (marrone caldo matte),
Crave (nero matte intenso).
Daily wereable
Why to miss this palette: boring (for me!) shades. I prefer shimmery eyeshadows...Gunmetal was my fav of Naked1.
Perchè amarla: finalmente una palette totalmente matte e nuda, indossabile ogni giorno (ufficio, cerimonie ecc)
Perchè non comprarla: Che nuance noioseeee ! per me, ovvio. Preferivo quasi quasi i colori shimmer della Naked1 (soprattutto Gunmetal)
Hit or miss?
La prenderete o no?
so matte! love it!